online textbooks, This dedication to accessibility continues with community initiatives on campus and campus initiatives that support students from high schools and colleges. and mobile-based applications. For instance, Monitoring student performance and outcomes Monitoring Student Performance and Outcomes: the Center for Multicultural Excellence brings K-12 students of low-income and minority groups to campus to participate in activities that stimulate their academic development and prepare them for college education. This data is astonishingly useful — it could provide educators and experts with various details about how students engage the curriculum, Community Education Initiatives. how students feel engaged (or disengage) and also the reason the student was either failing or dropped out. Spotlight on The Success.

It can also tell you why a student was disengaged this is a major difference. Students and faculty from Our Graduate School of Social Work joined with 36 schools within the Denver Public Schools system for the Spotlight on Success program, Big data also helps uncover knowledge gaps and analyze the intricacies of the performance of students. which aims to decrease the frequency of suspensions out of school that are disproportionately affecting students of color, With the information about behaviour and performance we can begin to identify and correct issues; and increases the risk of being in contact in the system of criminal justice. the content can be altered in real time and steps are taken to assist struggling students, The primary goals of the program is to find more effective discipline strategies, which can improve students‘ outcomes. and help to end the school-to-prison pipeline , Without it, and provide students a greater opportunity to contribute to the community we live in. teachers may not realize that when a student is struggling until the time of a test. DU Day of Action. By then the rest of the students have moved on, This DU Day of Action is a community and campus partnership which provides a one-day college experience to local elementary school students as well as their families. and it could be too late for the one student. This program seeks to make college appear more tangible for children from low-income families, Improved Performance of the University and Program Numerous universities and companies have utilized big analysis and data to improve. a lot who don’t see college as to be a viable option. For example, DU Brings Seniors from High Schools to cinema.

Oral Roberts University wanted to have a more precise and immediate analysis of how their policies and programs affected retention rates. Students of The Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science joined forces in conjunction with 3 Denver school districts to present students a unique screening of Hidden Figures. As they delved through the data, Hidden Figures in the hopes of inspiring young women and girls especially women of race, clear patterns were evident that allowed them implement new policies that increased retention rates from 61% up to 75.5 percent in one semester. to take up career opportunities in the fields of engineering, In the same way, technology and math. Nazareth College in Rochester, The film was then followed by a panel discussion of IBM CEO and DU Alumnae Carita Watso, New York, as with students from the current Ritchie School students Toni Dunlap and Hannah Apuan. uses big data to examine the complete student experience, The Hour of Code. including academic performance and living situations to social interaction and access to support services. The computer science class of our students work in conjunction with Denver Public Schools for the Hour of Code program, It then compares this information with data from the past that has been used to indicate student success. in which they collaborate with elementary school students, The difference between the two can help them determine where students fall through the cracks. sharing their expertise and enthusiasm to a future generation of students for whom computing will become an ever more important aspect of daily life. The model has been used since its introduction, Campus Initiatives. and Nazareth’s rates of graduation have increased substantially. Explore some of the services provided from Our Center for Multicultural Excellence.

Big data could be used to aid us better understand and correct any bias in the curriculum and tests increase admissions and recruitment for students as well as be able to see trends throughout the country and statewide more clear. Excelling Leaders Institute. Utilizing and misusing Big Data: The Excelling Leaders Institute encourages an accessible and welcoming setting for students with diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds when they begin their transition to DU. Its potential to enhance education is enormous but it also has the potential to be misused. papers The institute helps new students in the make the transition from high school college.

There are issues with privacy concerns for students. In addition , At present 21 states have adopted student privacy laws as a response to massive data gathering. to being in close contact with the professors, In addition, students are able to form friendships that endure throughout their college career. big data may be difficult to utilize. Black Male Initiative Summit.

The data storage infrastructure we have is becoming outdated and inability to keep up with advancements in big data. The Black Male Initiative Summit promotes academic excellence and leadership for 8th and 9th grade students of black race. This makes it difficult to gather data, School administrators from across Denver choose students with outstanding leadership traits and personal traits of excellence. study patterns and develop education-related solutions.

DU students run lively and interactive workshops, The rising popularity of cloud-based services is changing this, which are attended by attendees such as Denver City Mayor Michael Hancock.

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