It’s challenging to use for business analysts and testers with little or no programming experience. Selenium can be efficient if used correctly and should be your first choice if you want to write tests for web applications. Therefore, we recommend you start with Selenium and learn about Cucumber later. This post is about how these two tools work and how to use them. You’ll also see the differences between selenium vs cucumber, which will help you decide which may work best for your needs.

What is Cucumber user for

Cucumber reads the test written in Gherkin and verifies that the code works as it should. Once all test cases are executed, a Cucumber report is generated with each step and scenario with pass and fail results. Test cases are written based on the behavior of the application’s functions.

What Is Cucumber? A Detail Guide On Cucumber Testing Tool – Devstringx

If you’re new to Behaviour-Driven Development read our BDD introductionfirst. Validate executable specifications against your code on any modern development stack. It follows a BDD framework to observe the behavior of the software’s functionalities. With the Cucumber tool, all testers at different skill levels can participate in making Automation tests. See developers and test often spend a lot of time discussing or disagreeing about the correct behavior of a specific feature.

What is Cucumber user for

Hook enables us to handle the code workflow and assists us in reducing the code sacking. When we are executing multiple scenarios, we will set up and cleanup webdriver for every statement. To make the web driver set up and clean up only once, we will use hooks. A feature includes the test cases under test for that feature.


A test tool that lets you record automated user interface tests of the web application. It supports any programming language on any HTTP web portal using any browser compatible with conventional JavaScript. One of the key benefits of Cucumber is its claim to improve collaboration. My personal advice would be not to implement Cucumber if your team can already communicate requirements well. From observation, this usually happens in smaller companies where there aren’t clearly defined roles of business analysts, developers, testers, project managers etc.

  • It works as a bridge between business and technical language, and this bridge is sustainable because of test cases written in a plain English text.
  • As well as affording you a comprehensive view of the functionality being tested, this can facilitate and expedite the testing process.
  • It seeks to enforce firm, unambiguous requirements starting in the initial phases of requirements definition by business management and in other stages of the development lifecycle.
  • The resulting code will be readable by programmers and nontechnical people, making it unique among automated testing frameworks.
  • The report will show which scenarios passed and which scenarios failed.
  • The language which is used for defining the test scripts is known as Gherkin.

All these test scripts are in simple English language, so it serves the purpose of documentation also. Cucumber tool plays a vital role in the development of acceptance test cases for automation testing. It is mainly used to write acceptance tests for web applications as per the behavior of their functionalities. Both Cucumber and Selenium testing are important components of the web application testing process.

Cypress Cucumber Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide

The text is written in a business-readable domain-specific language and serves as documentation, automated tests and development-aid – all rolled into one format. Cucumber is a BDD method to develop automated acceptance tests for your software system. Cucumber tests run on the command line and are executed by Cucumber-JVM. What is Cucumber You write Cucumber tests using programming languages like Java, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript, but you can also write them in a non-programming language like Markdown. These scenarios are typically written by business analysts or product owners, allowing them to have a better understanding of what is being tested.

What is Cucumber user for

Last but not least, make feature files a real “communication” layer, which is a place for receiving test data, formatting test data. Cucumber is a tool for running automated acceptance tests written in a behavior-driven development style. Both Selenium and Cucumber are powerful and comprehensive automation testing tools and are very useful for web application testing. But while Selenium is one of the best automation testing tools, using it can be a daunting task for a non-technical person. This is why more and more companies are using Selenium and Cucumber together for automation testing. Cucumber is a tool for running automated tests written in plain language.

Uniformity and the Ability to Learn about Defects at a Much Earlier Stage

This file should contain a description of the feature you want to test and the individual scenarios you want to test. Each method should be written in Gherkin syntax and include Given, When, and Then steps. The primary purpose of Cucumber testing is to help teams communicate better about the behavior of an application.

Cucumber command line can be used to quickly run defined tests. It also supports running a subset of scenarios by filtering tags. Cucumber comes with a built-in command line interface that covers a comprehensive list of instructions. Like most command line tools, cucumber provides the –help option that provides a summary of arguments the command accepts. They contain a single Feature definition for the system under test and are an executable test script.

The Given-When-Then Framework Can be Wasteful

You’ve been asked to add a feature that allows users to sign up for an account. Cucumber tests are also easier to change than traditional code-based tests for collaborators. Because they are written in a natural language, they are less likely to break when the code changes. The general tendency of developers is to develop features and write test code later. As, evident in above case, Test Case development for this case is complex and developer will put off Testing till release , at which point he will do quick but ineffective testing.

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Below is the class for multiple sets of data to check the login functionality for a single user. Essentially, this means that Gherkin helps construct a standard, understandable test script. Once the scenarios are written, they are translated into code by developers, using automation frameworks such as Selenium or Appium. The code is then executed to run the tests and produce results. Cucumber testing tool is a framework whose goal is to help unify the development, testing, and documentation of feature specifications for engineers, testers, and analysts alike.

When Should I Use Cucumber Instead of Selenium?

As elucidated above, Cucumber uses Gherkin to test the interaction of business features that help drive your product, such as the scope of an app or web page. Because Gherkin is straightforward to comprehend, you don’t have to worry about coding syntax and can focus on translating your requirements into clear, concise sentences. Cucumber automation tool is definitely an efficient testing tool. Cucumber is an exceptionally comprehensive framework that supports BDD in the best way possible. The good thing about the Cucumber testing framework is that it breaks down feature design and implementation into small, manageable steps.

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